Dear Diary

3 thoughts on “Dear Diary

  1. *Snicker*.

  2. Level one of a lesbian.

  3. Hm, yes. Fair’s fair, and her request is indeed vreasonable. Now let’s see which “inside qualities” she has displayed so far towards males.

    She’s agressive and vaguely sexist and… ummm… Guys, I’m really trying hard to come up with something good, okay? Not my fault she treats men so poorly.

    Seriously, she can be glad when the boys look at her appearance and not her “inside qualities”. They wouldn’t like what they see.

    On a side note, after seeing the promise that the comic will only get better, I’m kind of hoping that the comic really is improving and acts of violence against men are not pictured as acceptable or even humorous in future issues. You’d be doing me a favor by letting me know beforehand if that hope is misplaced.

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