Get the Girl

To be fair Jason, you did kinda yell at him. Obvious NSFW page, but fair warning, there are a lot of those in this chapter.

3 thoughts on “Get the Girl

  1. “there are a lot of those in this chapter”
    Wow. It looks like Corky’s really got into hatefucking Kyle. (even if not all of those are them)
    And yeah. Can’t blame Kyle that he’d rather be around Corky than Jason.

  2. Jason, for crying out loud. Has Kyle’s bizarre magical book taught you nothing? Go where you’re wanted, man! Which is actually a surprisingly broad swath of the town, apparently. Go forth unto the world and really do some damage.

    Honestly, it’s like that whole part never really happened.

    Even Kyle’s branching out, even if that’s not exactly the most healthy of relationships going on there.

  3. .. Kyle can really move fast when he wants to…
    … both Corky and Jason can attest to that 😀

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