Who’s Behind Door #1?

OK, so it was totally obvious, but now you know who the mystery dude was. Surprise! (For Jason too!) I know it's more suspense, but trust me, it'll be good. I don't know what's up with ComicGenesis again. Apparently there working on more moving the server around issues, but I'm not really certain about that. I've been reading a bunch of different things for the last couple of days, and everyone has been having all different sorts of issues. One thing I do know for sure is that you might have to hit F5 or the refresh button when you get to the comic.... unfortunately you won't know about this until you hit the F5 button for yourself, but just as a precaution... That's about it for now, I'll get to working on more art later... I've been working on some extra pages for the site, and I want to make them look good. So, until then, enjoy the comic and all that!

One thought on “Who’s Behind Door #1?

  1. More than a few people are in for a surprise around here! 🙂

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