(reposted from July 13 from my Patreon)

Hi all. I need to fill you guys in with some harrowing details of my life. As you may know, much of central Vermont was hit by disaster flooding. Unfortunately, my house is located directly in Central Vermont. The last few days have been horrifying, wet, dirty, and exhausting. Our entire basement was underwater. Like, our ceiling tiles were knocked off. Our first floor was hit a little bit, and now our house is covered in mold and mildew. And because our electric box was in the basement, there’s no power in our house, and there’s no way to turn it back on without an electrician. It’s such a huge, insane mess. My house was unlivable, and we had to get out.

Luckily for Dean and I (and Vienna), we were able to get out yesterday and drive north to stay with Dean’s family, who are high and dry up here in Northern Vermont. I realize I’m one of the really lucky ones who’s able to flee to a safe place, and of course, I’m worried about everyone still stuck behind.

Also, equally lucky, Dean was able to save all my computer equipment, con merchandise, etc. So I was able to take all that with me. Right now, I don’t have anything set up, but I should in the next few days. I know I’m already late sending out the mail to higher-tier patrons, and I’ll get that to you guys as soon as I’m able. Hopefully, understandably, this also means the comic will be on a bit of a hiatus until I can get everything settled a bit more. I don’t know when I’ll be able to go back home, or even if I’ll be able to go back home.

Anyway, I just wanted you guys to know what was happening. I’m OK now, just tired and overwhelmed. I hope everyone is doing well and not having to deal with this, too. Take care all, and thank you for all of your support. It means so much, and I can’t wait to start getting new art and comics up.

Update as of October 8, 2023

OK! So what’s going on currently: It’s been a few months! I know! I’m not purposely neglecting the comic or anything, I just don’t have a space where I can comfortably work for long periods of time on a computer. So comics are kind of out until I get back home. I’ve been able to get the last few wallpapers up on my Patreon because they’re only out once a month so I was able to break up the process a bit so I’m not sore all over all day.

Anyway, life/house updates. Our house has been being worked on this whole time. Unfortunately for everyone, it’s been a long process because there are hundreds if not thousands of others also affected by this mess. And there are only so many workers/contractors out there. We have made a substantial amount of progress to our house, right now we’ve gotten some funds from different places and we’ve put them into fixing and cleaning everything up. Our power has been back on for a bit, we have clean, running water (though not hot yet), and our basement is gutted out, cleaned up, sanitized, etc. Lots of things here and there have been fixed, like our roof being patched up, and other small things. We have a heating company coming in to do our heater/AC and our new hot water heater, and amazingly, they will be taking our old radiators out as well! So that’ll be really cool having all that new wall space. We’ve got a brand new fridge, and a new washer and dryer ready to be hooked up and used. The main thing right now is getting our new heating system up and running (especially because I live in Vermont), and once that’s done, we should be able to go back shortly after. I can’t give you an exact date right now, because I don’t know when it’ll be, but we’re looking at early-ish November. Which is much better than the original estimate of late December! -_- Anyway, so once we get back home, and we get things back in normal order, I can get back to doing the comic weekly again.

I know this is probably not the news you wanted to hear and believe me, I wish there was a much easier solution to all of this. But please hang in there, we will be back. Thanks for all of your support over the years, it really means a lot!

Hey all! Just a quick update to let you all know that the chapter is (finally) finished being written, and the next chapter will be starting real soon! I’d start this week, but I’m finishing up a big project for a client and I’d like to get that done so I can focus better on making comics.

I want to thank you all for sticking around and being so patient with me. I’m really looking forward to making comics again! This is such an insane chapter, I hope you guys love it!

Hello everyone! How are you all doing?

As you know, the world’s been a bit insane these last couple of years. Like everyone else, I’ve been affected by this insanity as well. I work at a pharmacy as my day job as low-ranking management, so this has eaten up much of my time. We’ve also been suffering from being able to keep managers on staff (We’ve had at least five in the last three years or so), and this affects my schedule as well as my one coworker who has been with me since the beginning (Everyone else has left or gone back to school).

I also don’t want to go into too many details, but things with my family have been rocky to say the best. My biological dad died last June, and I’ve been struggling mentally since then but mostly managing. My mom and I basically don’t speak. I talked with her last October after not having seen her since the end of 2019 in person, but things basically ended in calamity. She’s very anti-vax and anti-mask, and pro-gun, etc., etc. you get the point. She turned her back and walked away from me after I poured my heart out to her. She disowned me from the family before, and this was essentially the push I needed to completely block her from my life. Needless to say, this has affected my mental health a lot.

All things haven’t been bad though! 2021 was an incredibly rough year, but it hasn’t been too bad this year thus far. I’ve been drawing a lot more frequently (you can see a lot of this progress on my Patreon!), I did really well at the fair last year, and I did better than ever artwise financially, which is awesome! Still not enough to quit my job, unfortunately, but hopefully in the future soon! But this in itself is a blessing and a curse, I suppose. I love doing art, and I’m never going to stop doing it, but it’s very time-consuming! I also currently have two big commissions I’m working on, which I took when I didn’t have too many hours at my day job, but that has since changed. They are mostly both finished, but I don’t like having too many untied ends before working on another big project.

On top of all this, I am learning Japanese, trying to spend time with Dean in the short amount of time we have together every day (he’s also struggling at work), and snuggling with Vienna (my dog). I also occasionally get some video game time and reading in!

I know in the end, this all sounds like a bunch of excuses (and I guess it is), but believe me, I absolutely, completely miss drawing the comic. My characters bring me so much joy in drawing their dumb faces, and it’s not something I plan on quitting until the story is complete. I know there have been some pretty big gaps here and there, but unfortunately, that’s life. In the meantime, you can help me out by backing my Patreon or buying some stuff in my store! Every little bit helps me get closer to being able to quit my day job and retail (ah the dream) forever.

Thanks to everyone who’s been sticking with me all these years, I hope you all stay rad.


I’m sorry I’ve been a bit quiet lately. I’ve been scrambling to get ready for Terrificon, which is in a few days! I’ve also got some personal projects that I’ve been working on, which is why I haven’t been posting much. Thanks for waiting patiently for me, there is definitely more JD coming soon!

Sorry guys, I’m going to have to take this week off. I had a death in the family, and I’m still pretty shaken up. I’ll try to get it up next week. Thanks for understanding ♥

Hey everyone! I have a bit of news… My day job has me working well into overtime hours for the last few weeks, due to our store being a Covid vaccination center. We are always low on employees, so only a few of us are left to cover the front store because the others are covering pharmacy. Since we have 14-hour workdays, there are only a few of us left to cover the hours. So, I’ve been working 9 and 10 hour days five days of the week (luckily we still get two days off).

I normally work about 30-ish hours a week, so adding almost 20 hours to that has me struggling to get personal projects done, including the comic. I’m really bummed about it, but for the time being, I’m going to be updating every other Friday. This is only temporary because eventually, we’ll go back to normal hours and the normal amount of employees. It may even only be a couple of weeks, and I might be being ridiculous here XD

TL;DR: I’m going to be posting every other week for a little while because I’m working way too much overtime XD

Hey all! Right now, there are a whole bunch of sales going on in my many different merch outlets. They are:


This is my main shop, with all the same stuff that I sell at conventions. You can get 20% off everything until December 7! Just use the code BLACK2020



Everything on their site is currently 35% off, and I can vouch for their t-shirts – they are super comfy! I also have other things available, like face masks!



This is where I’ll be selling my original pieces! So far, there are only a couple on there but be assured I will be adding more in the future. Own one of my originals!



Here is where the calendar I’ve been working on all year is available! Right now you can get 15% off until December 7, no code needed!



A monthly service where you can see art ahead of everyone else, early comic pages, works-in-progress, and more! Also, it’s just really helpful for me in general, and helps me get closer to my dream of becoming a full-time artist.



Not really a shop per se (although I am selling my digital comics on here!) This is a good way to support me without the commitment!


If you have any other questions, please let me know! Thanks all, and have a super happy and very safe holiday season!

Sorry guys! Life again… I wish I could prioritize the comic before anything else, but it’s not always possible. New page next week, I promise!

Hi everyone! Glad to see so many of you have been sticking around with me for so long.

First off, really good news for you guys! The comic going to be updating again, and even more exciting, it’s going to be this Friday!

Yeah, really! (I’m even done with the first page and everything!)

And seriously, once I get on a schedule, I’m fairly good about keeping it. It’s been a rough last few months (what with a global pandemic and all), and I’m sure all of you have been suffering in some sort of way or another. I’m hoping you’re all staying safe and healthy, and I hope only good things for the future.

That also being said, a lot of conventions I was planning for this year have been either canceled or postponed. This is obviously for the best, but it really is a bummer. There were even two big shows that I got into that I was really excited about. But hopefully next year they’ll work out and maybe I can meet some of you!

Other than this, I’ve just been working… and working… and working -_- I work pretty much full time every week, and sometimes over… and I still run this page, my Instagram, my Patreon, my YouTube, my online shop, etc. So I’m obviously pretty exhausted most days.

I sincerely want to thank you all for being such loyal readers. I really do enjoy creating Juvenile Diversion (even when the writing process takes me forever), and I’m very much looking forward to drawing this chapter! I hope you all enjoy it ~ <3


Hey everyone! Here’s where I’ll be this year!

  • Saratoga Comic Con · Saratoga Springs, NY · Saratoga Springs City Center · May 2 – May 3
  • TerrifiCon · Uncasville, CT · Mohegan Sun Expo Center · Aug 14-16

Hey all!

First of all, I’m sorry it’s been so long without an update. I thought that by our hours changing at work, it would mean that I have more time to get things done, but unfortunately things haven’t quite turned out that way.

I am currently working on writing chapter 29. It’s been a slow process, mainly due to the fact that I got into SIX relatively decent sized shows this year (I’ll make another post letting you guys know which ones), and I’ve got paid work to complete, as well as making videos for my YouTube channel (which I’ve changed the updates to every two weeks).

There’s also the next book I’ve been diligently working on! I know I didn’t release a comic in print form last year, and I’m trying my best to remedy that for this year. I’ve also got a few other smaller books that I’m trying to get put together by April! So we’ll see how that goes.

On top of that, I have a regular schedule for Patreon subscribers to maintain, and that also takes out a fairly large chunk of time. All this stuff adds up pretty quickly, and unfortunately I only have so much time in every day.

I want to thank you guys for being so patient, I know sometimes web comic readers sometimes can be a little antsy. I want you to know that the next chapter is definitely coming, hopefully sooner rather than later. I started using a digital checklist/daily planner to help me out a little better, though! Please hang in there, more comicky goodness is on its way!

Hey all! Sorry it’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted anything on here… I’ve been real busy finishing the story, getting things ready for more conventions, getting my Patreon ready for an update, and yes, I do have a YouTube now!

So, Dean and I finished the script literally in the last two days… We’ve been working very hard on it because it ties in with pretty much the entire rest of the story until the end… I know that’s a crazy thing to hear, but don’t worry, there’s still lots left until we get there. So mainly we were working on this chapter, but also lots of storyline stuff for the future!

The good news is that means once I start storyboarding (the next couple of days probably), I’ll be able to get the next page done! I was aiming for June 7, and it looks like we’re still on track for then!

The other big news is yes, I do have a YouTube, and there is a video on there that relates (a lot!) to the next story…

Like, comment, subscribe, you know the drill!

You guys would be doing me a huge favor by giving my videos a little bit of love <3 I honestly feel like putting myself out there on video form has been the last thing holding me back, and I’m really doing it now! And having lots of fun!

As usual, thanks a million for being so faithful and patient, I hope you love this upcoming chapter! <3 <3 <3

Hey everyone! Sorry I’ve been slow at posting my upcoming appearances for the year, but here it is so far! I’m still looking into a few more, but these are the shows that are for sure happening. You can also keep track of this list on my website at www.hrfarrington.com/conventions!

Hey all! I just wanted to let you guys know that I updated all my commission information, and made it all available through Google forms! If you or someone you know is looking to get artwork done, please send them my way! 😀 Thanks!