6 thoughts on “Shattered

  1. “Had a dream and it filled me with wonder…she had other plans…”

  2. …and we’d just gotten restarted too. Shame, that. Presumably something important got in the way.

  3. Finally, though, I developed something to say.

    It helps when you have a surprisingly public nervous breakdown. From the looks of most of them, they were looking for a way to quietly bow out ahead of this.

  4. …so…meanwhile…it’s almost October…

  5. It’s been three months since the last update. Heather, Dean – is everything OK?

  6. I hope you’re OK.

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This... totally isn't taken from experience. Not at all.

Hey guys!

I’m sorry I’ve been a bit quiet lately. I’ve been scrambling to get ready for Terrificon, which is in a few days! I’ve also got some personal projects that I’ve been working on, which is why I haven’t been posting much. Thanks for waiting patiently for me, there is definitely more JD coming soon!

(Temporary) Comic Schedule Change

Hey everyone! I have a bit of news… My day job has me working well into overtime hours for the last few weeks, due to our store being a Covid vaccination center. We are always low on employees, so only a few of us are left to cover the front store because the others are covering pharmacy. Since we have 14-hour workdays, there are only a few of us left to cover the hours. So, I’ve been working 9 and 10 hour days five days of the week (luckily we still get two days off).

I normally work about 30-ish hours a week, so adding almost 20 hours to that has me struggling to get personal projects done, including the comic. I’m really bummed about it, but for the time being, I’m going to be updating every other Friday. This is only temporary because eventually, we’ll go back to normal hours and the normal amount of employees. It may even only be a couple of weeks, and I might be being ridiculous here XD

TL;DR: I’m going to be posting every other week for a little while because I’m working way too much overtime XD

alcohol alexis alicia ally autumn breeze band practice buttercup chris connor corky cynthia diana eileen erin evie flashbacks fuchsia night izzy jade jason jenny julie june kyle lightning rod luna maddie meg missy miyako nick penny rebecca reginald ryan Saunders Virtual Reality Creator 6000 sex skateboarding sparky stash terra The Book the cheerleaders vienna yoshiko