Hi peeps!
So my very first table at a convention was (to me) a great success, and I met lots of awesome people, artists and art fans alike. I got to meet the amazing Brian O’Halloran (Dante from Clerks), Dan Parent (artist and writer of Archie), and Bob Camp (co-creator of Ren & Stimpy). ALL of these guys had some influence on my art and story-telling style, so it’s amazing that they were all there, and that I had the privilege of meeting them.
Thanks to all the people who came by our table to see my art, and it even looks like there a few new followers on here and a couple other places! So glad to see that. ^_^ And it was so awesome hearing that people like my art style! It’s so nice to have some confirmation that doing what I love is working out for me ^^
And it was awesome meeting the guys in my FB Vermont Comic Creators group! They are all really cool, and I look forward to being at conventions with them in the future!
Overall, everything was just really great. Talking to con-goers, cosplayers, everyone really was so fulfilling, and I feel like I’m part of a new family now. It’s definitely given me acknowledgement that this is what I should be doing, and doing conventions is definitely something I look forward to hopefully doing a lot more often. I’ve learned a lot from my table neighbors, and hopefully next con will be even better!
And if you didn’t get a chance to go to this year’s VT Comic Con, definitely make sure you try and make it next year! It will be at the same place, but the date will be October 29-30. Right before Halloween! *-* I’m definitely going to be signing up for it… can’t wait! 😀