Just A Bit Skeptical

I realized I am exactly twice the age of Google... this means kids, that I remember a time when Google didn't exist (0_o) Alas, another year older I am. I've been doing this since I was 19! asgkgnsdg And that's not even including the two years I spent researching and working on the storyline/character development o_o I am getting oooolllldd... T^T

5 thoughts on “Just A Bit Skeptical

  1. Now who doesn’t remember time before Google… Damnit, now you made me feel old!

    1. heh… Guess I just hang out with too many young peoples… I’m one of the older people at work… XD

  2. I rember a time when there was no internet and gas 50 cents

    1. aw, that makes me sad… Gas was about $1.60, $1.80? I think? when I started to drive 🙁

      1. lol Yeah thinking back to on those days reall can make you sad, I’m not sure who said it but they were right, they said “to make americans pay more for something first make the price really high then half it after a little while, complaining will lessen to next to nothing cuz they will be so happy to not be paying the first price”

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